Greetings Impact100 Metro Denver Members!
I was honored to be invited to present at your 2024 Grant Year Launch on the evening of February 28th. One thing that continues to ring true for me every time I’m at an Impact100 event, is the extreme value of collective inclusive relationships. It was a wonderful evening, filled with new connections, engaging conversations and inspiration as we celebrated the success last year’s nonprofit winners are experiencing as a result of Impact100 Metro Denver.
Being one of last year’s winners, by now I’m certain that most of you are familiar with the programs and services that Southwest Improvement Council (SWIC) provides, but if by chance you are not, please check us out HERE! You have no idea how amazing it is to be able to invite someone to visit your website to learn more about your organization and the valuable work it does!! Just a few months ago, I would have not been able to do that. Well, I certainly could have, but, trust me, you wouldn’t have learned much! In fact, you may have left our old site, feeling quite bewildered, to say the least.
Thanks to Impact100 Metro Denver, however, we now have an incredible website. And it’s not just the website, Impact100 funds empowered us with the tools we needed to build a brand which is now consistent across all of our marketing materials. Funding also supported implementation of donor management software which will enable us to build stable and long-term donor relationships that will ultimately increase SWIC’s ability to raise sustainable revenue.
We could not be happier with the response we are getting to our new website and our fresh look. Because of Impact100, Southwest Improvement Council is finally visible to the world and that’s had a significant impact on our programs and services.
There really are not enough words to convey the gratitude we feel for what Impact100 Metro Denver has done for SWIC. Please know that your gift has truly been transformational for us! As a final note, if anyone in this amazing organization has experience with DonorPerfect and is interested in volunteering, I would welcome assistance with navigating this software. Please feel free to contact me at or (303) 934-2268.
With Much Gratitude,
Donna Zimmerman,
Executive Director – Southwest Improvement Council