Volunteer Opportunities
Grants Committee
- After releasing a Request for Proposal (RFP), we evaluate the proposals, individually and as a committee, and recommend three finalists to Impact100 Metro Denver membership, which then votes for the $100,000 grantee.
- Annually we seek new members to be part of the analysis, committee deliberations, and site visit teams.
Grants Management Committee
- We serve as liaisons to our grantees, from the time of grantee selection through completion of the project, which can be a two to three year relationship.
- Volunteer to be the face and voice of Impact100 Metro Denver to a grantee.
Communications Team
- The communications team creates the newsletter, blog, website and member campaigns.
- We’re on the lookout for writers, photographers, and a web admin (WordPress).
Education & Events Committee
- We research venues and plan all components of a successful event, including food, beverage, venue set up, and participate in events as greeters, servers and cleanup.
- Volunteers can serve as a committee member or participate in events – regularly or on a one-time basis.
- Strives to create an educated, empowered and engaged membership who are committed to making all aspects of our work equitable and inclusive.
Membership Committee
- The Membership committee is responsible for cultivating, orienting and maintaining members.
- Volunteers are needed for recruiting/orienting new members and data base management (E-Tapestry and Excel.)
Can’t Decide?
- Please reach out!
- Whether you are multi-talented or would like to build new skills, give us a call and we’re happy to help align you to the right opportunity.
Become a Member
Impact100 Metro Denver’s annual commitment is:
$1,000 Contribution to the grant pool
$150 Chapter membership dues