Impact100 Metro Denver has been on a learning journey to understand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and to explore the implications for our work as philanthropists:

“Impact100 Metro Denver will have a diverse and significant community of intentional and informed women philanthropists whose contributions will have legacy impact.” 

The Journey:  DEI Working Groups Formed in 2021 

  • One working group addresses DEI learning for our members, through the 21 Tiles program and the ongoing Book Club offerings.
  1. The other looks at our grant making through an equity lens. To learn what others are doing, this group talked to: other Denver area foundations and types of funders; and, collective giving organizations around the country.

This early exploration resulted in two actions:

  1. Changing the Grant Criteria, including asking about the organization’s commitment to DEI.
  2. Expanding our outreach to area organizations that specifically serve BIPOC and other underserved communities.


The Journey: Learning and Researching an Equity Grant Model

Efforts include continued learning, particularly as it relates to equity in grant making. The following actions were taken:  

  1. Held the first “Unconscious Bias” workshop with a focus on our assumptions that influence our collective and individual philanthropy.  
  2. Researched a growing body of work related to “place-based strategies and grant making.”  Much of this was based on the model of Impact100 Richmond that is in its fourth year of funding a “neighborhood.”  
  3. Explored the model of small equity-focused grants being funded by other collective giving organizations around the country.  


The Journey: What’s Next?

We look forward to sharing further details about what we have learned through member communication and organizing small groups of members in community conversations in May. Please send your questions and ideas to us!!


Sandy Cook, Coordinator

Donna Baker-Breningstall

Sue Gallanter

Cindy Goldman

Jan Hazlett

Carrie Nolan

Alisia Robin

Esther Starrels

Lynn Taylor

Yolanda Webb