Frequently Asked Questions: Accelerator Grant

Expect to find additions to these questions as we proceed.  Send your questions to

ABOUT THE GRANT:  The Fundamentals

A pilot multi-year grant, using trust-based principles to support one small nonprofit resident in a historically underserved neighborhood led by individuals who are part of the neighborhood and reflect its diversity.

What is the Accelerator Grant?

A pilot multi-year grant, using the principles of trust-based philanthropy to support one small nonprofit in a historically underserved neighborhood over the course of three years. The nonprofit will be based in the neighborhood, led by individuals who are part of the neighborhood, and reflect the historical and current diversity of the individuals/groups served and the neighborhood. The grant will be awarded at approximately $25,000 for each of three years. The total amount will depend upon the total amount available in the grant pool each of the three years, expected to be $75,000 over these three years.

The nonprofit will determine how the grant will be applied to provide momentum to its work and accelerate the ability of its organization to achieve its mission.

The grant agreement will specify that future funding is dependent upon the delivery of the grantee’s commitments expressed through their application and the availability of funds each year.

What is the projected size of the grant?

$25,000 per year for each of the three years.

What are the eligibility requirements?

Organization is a 501(c)(3) or has a 501(c)(3) as a fiscal sponsor.
Organization has between $100,000 and $499,999 annual revenue.
Organization is based in and has been operating for at least 3 years in the historically underserved neighborhood chosen by the Accelerator Grant Committee.

Additional criteria include:
Ability to provide prior year Income Statement, and Balance Sheet (cash/liabilities), as well as the budget for the current year; Leadership and/or staff reflect the diverse community they are serving.

Are we guaranteeing $75,000?

No.  We cannot guarantee since our funding pool may change from year to year.  We are positioning this as a multi-year grant and will specify in the grant agreement that future funding is depending upon their delivering on their commitments as well as Impact100 MD having sufficient funding.

Do the potential grantee organizations or their work have to fit into Impact’s focus areas?

No. The work of the organization will be influenced by the priorities and needs in their communities.

Where are we focused for the pilot? What is the neighborhood?

The Accelerator Grant Committee has chosen Southwest Denver as the location for the pilot program to be awarded in June 2023, as defined by the boundaries of the SouthWest Denver Coalition. Check out the map here.

Why this direction? How was the neighborhood selected?

Committee leadership and members met with a variety of organizations, individuals, and groups to identify two neighborhoods for consideration. The committee then reviewed information about each neighborhood, elements of discussions and meetings, and considered non-profits that are currently working in each neighborhood.

The committee narrowed it to two neighborhoods and then discussed the criteria set forth for the grant. The decision was voted upon by committee membership and additional research is underway by committee members for outreach in the selected neighborhood.

Why now?

Historically, there have been non-profits that have not been able to apply to our Impact 100 Transformational Grant due to the requirements in the Request for Proposal, including audits and operating and / or fundraising budget amounts. And members have asked about offering a small grant inititative.

As our membership has grown and continues to grow, we have resources to provide additional support to non-profit organizations making direct impact in metro Denver communities.

By utilizing the guiding principles of trust-based philanthropy, it was proposed to expand our reach through an additional grant – the Accelerator Grant – to support a group of organizations that need a different type of financial infusion to further their work. With board approval, the committee leadership and committee members have moved the project forward.

Who developed the pilot?

The Accelerator Grant was influenced by two years of work by a Diversity/Equity/Inclusion granting task force. 

The Accelerator Grant Committee leadership envisioned the pilot program and presented it to the Impact100 Board for approval.  Small group meetings have provided additional information about trust-based philanthropy and grant details to the broader membership. Two sub-committees are doing additional work to finalize the pilot:

  • The process committee is driving the detail work to create the Invitation to Apply, finalize grant and scoring criteria, and will present to the full committee in December.
  • The outreach committee is conducting further outreach and research to present a list of six-ten organizations for consideration by the full committee in December.
Who did we consult with?

The Accelerator Grant Committee leadership and team members have conducted research and sought counsel from multiple organizations and individuals regarding neighborhoods; non-profits; neighborhood challenges and opportunities; as well as financial investments in issues, organizations, and neighborhoods across the metro Denver area.

Some of those consulted include:

The Barton Institute
SouthWest Denver Coalition
The Denver Foundation’s Neighborhood and BRIC Grants
Women’s Foundation of Colorado
Together Colorado
Mi Casa
Rose Community Foundation
City of Denver’s Neighborhood Equity & Stability (NEST) Grant Program


When is everything happening?

September–December 2022        Committee research & finalization of Invitation to Apply
January 3, 2023                               Outreach to Non-profits with Invitation to Apply
March 2023                                      Applications Due, Reviewed, Site Visits
April 2023                                         Finalists Notified
May 2023                                          Membership vote
June 7, 2023                                     Award of Grant


How can I help?

Send an email to


Who serves on the Accelerator Grant Committee?

Co-chairs:  Sandy Cook, Cindy Goldman
Committee members:
Alisia Robin                         Prisicilla Montoyo
Carrie Nolan                       Reggie Vegliante
Heather Grady                   Roberta Trachtman
Lynn Taylor                         Yolanda Webb
Kristyn Friske