The Blue Bench

​The Blue Bench is metro Denver’s only comprehensive sexual assault prevention and survivor support center.  Impact100 gave The Blue Bench a grant of $36,100 in 2019.  A Blue Bench client recently wrote about the impact the organization has had on her life. Here is her story, in her own words:

The gentleness and consistency of the Art Therapy group allowed me to come to a new level of healing after experiencing assault. What I noticed about art in comparison with other therapeutic methods was that the creative process allowed memories to surface for me without the dysregulation and negative response that words or writing can sometimes produce. Through artistic expression, I was able to channel these memories and the associated emotions into physical, concrete manifestations. The memories and emotions came through my hands and into the art (paint, clay, sketching). This was a level of healing that I have not yet experienced, and I am so grateful that The Blue Bench has opened this door for me. I know that this is only the beginning of my creative process. 

The most meaningful part of the entire group for me was receiving a card from another person, anonymously, who is a survivor of sexual assault. The message and art included on this card quickly brought me to tears. The message on the card read:   


You are so loved. 







TAKE…time to rest. 


Don’t give up.